Mix on Pix short Tutorial - 2:42
Mix on Pix short Tutorial covers:
Creating a session.
Adding a Text item and customizing the text.
Saving and reusing items.
Manipulating the Glider.
Adding a border.
Adding a Text item and customizing the text.
Saving and reusing items.
Manipulating the Glider.
Adding a border.
Creative Text - 2:29
Creative Text covers:
Quick FX for Fun or as a base for more.
Play with fonts.
Total customization for surprising effects.
Using and customizing Stock texts.
Play with fonts.
Total customization for surprising effects.
Using and customizing Stock texts.
Photography - 2:54
Photography covers:
Enhance your artwork with Texts and Borders.
Create superb Watermarks.
Group your items for easy manipulation and reuse.
Picture on Picture Pack provides flexibility for watermarks and creativity.
Create superb Watermarks.
Group your items for easy manipulation and reuse.
Picture on Picture Pack provides flexibility for watermarks and creativity.
Annotation - 1:33
Annotation covers:
Texts with a background.
Write on photos, add arrows and shapes.
Add dates and refresh dates.
Grouping for more power.
Automatic item.
Write on photos, add arrows and shapes.
Add dates and refresh dates.
Grouping for more power.
Automatic item.