
Mix on Pix - Beautify your pictures, annotate or express yourself with creative designs. All in one easy-to-use app.

Mix on Pix


Mix on Pix short Tutorial - 2:42

Mix on Pix short Tutorial covers:

Creating a session.
Adding a Text item and customizing the text.
Saving and reusing items.
Manipulating the Glider.
Adding a border.

Creative Text - 2:29

Creative Text covers:

Quick FX for Fun or as a base for more.
Play with fonts.
Total customization for surprising effects.
Using and customizing Stock texts.

Photography - 2:54

Photography covers:

Enhance your artwork with Texts and Borders.
Create superb Watermarks.
Group your items for easy manipulation and reuse.
Picture on Picture Pack provides flexibility for watermarks and creativity.

Annotation - 1:33

Annotation covers:

Texts with a background.
Write on photos, add arrows and shapes.
Add dates and refresh dates.
Grouping for more power.
Automatic item.